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  • one more thing, I sent the same file to all companies that printed them directly, so I can only assume they have the best knowlege on how to get the best quality out of their printers. The exception: I sent the Markforged Onyx print to a local guy, who is very good, but still is not Markforged himse…

  • Ive compared Markforged Mark2 prints in Onyx to Fusion3 F410, Raise 3D and BCN3D Sigma R17, and the Markforged was the handsdown best prints consistently. However, Raise 3D was a solid 2nd place, and if the Raise slowed down the print to the slow speed of the Mark2, I suspect the prints would have b…

  • Hmm…Im a footwear designer developer what are you thinking of doing with a scan of your foot? Ive been thinking of scanning feet but for development work. Rob

  • Im looking forward to the Bluedragon, expected to be released mid August 2016. I saw it at a trade show in Vegas and was impressed. Im an Industrial Designer focused on footwear, no connection to any 3d printer company or reseller. I Was hopeful about a large envelop zortrax printer, but I prefer t…

  • What a huge disappointment! I expected a 20-25% increase, but not double or more