I’m optimistic.
3D printing has been branded as a way to reduce the impact we have on our environment. However, most of the time we’re all too much familiar with a pile of failed prints, that negatively affect the environment surrounding us. Here at 3D Hubs we want to stop this waste and change the way we produce …
So, what do 3D Hubs and YouTube Gaming have in common? The logos! They look so similar! When I first saw the youtube gaming logo I had to second look at it because I thought it was 3D Hubs. [3D-Hubs-logo-horizontal.png] The 3D Hubs logo. [YouTube-Gaming-Icon.png] The YouTube Gaming Logo. I me…
Hi guys, I would like to share with you my latest 3D project. A Business Card Holder very stylish and slim with slide opening system. I hope you like it! [cardholder_pic_1.jpg] [cardholder_pic_2.jpg] [cardholder_pic_2.jpg] You can download it here: Best Regards Helder Santos [cardhold…
Busy weekend ahead, makers! We’ll be attending Eindhoven Maker Faire, a 2-day event, with an awesome project revolving around recycling & 2 talks from both Eindhoven Mayor, @, and Bram, our recycling expert. @bramhallo will also be setting up a cool installation made up of a Filabot and a shredder,…
Love the 3D printed cat armor and ghost with extender tongue haha I made a model of an exploding heart (for a heart attack pitch) but it could be used as a Halloween prop, well I am going to use it anyway
[Good 1_1.JPG]
The cat armour for sure :))
Hey @charles_menamin, so cool you want to be a recycling Hub! For now, we’ve enabled recycling material for Hubs to pick from the materials list, so you can advertise it to your customers. If you want to actively start to ‘produce’ recycled filament for Hubs in your area to print with, we don’t real…
Aweomse! @ is your guy
We’re pilot-ting now but soon we should be able to set something up
I actually have a running Flickr album of failed prints - 3D Print Failures | Flickr Note that as I get braver and braver, the fails get bigger and bigger. The latest being a garbage can full of failed parts of a Fallout 4 mask. Fortunately my son was able to use some of the pieces as supplementary…
So glad to hear you’re taking this initiative on! I’m fully supporting and following this post. On a similar note, in San Francisco we’re holding a 3D Printing Upcycling/Product Manipulation event and will keep you all in mind during our presentation.