Yeah, none of these tools are particularly stable. Do you want to upload somewhere and I can try have a go?
Meshlab can do what you’re asking. Meshmixer is terribly slow for large STLs.
I think you should give it a go. Your slicer program (which one are you using?) should provide you different options for support generation. SLA will work, but the strength of the final part is not as strong as FDM. SLA is also much more expensive - resin is very very expensive compared to filament…
I reckon it would print ok with support on most FDm printers - have you tried printing it? What was the result? What parts didnt work well? What makes you think your FDM printers won’t do it? What kind of strength does the customer need in the final product? I’d suggest flipping it upside down and …
I think its probably safe to make some reasonable assumptions though. Ok, since it will be rocket powered, you probably want to use a copper-fill filament to conduct away the heat…
I think you will need to provide more info – what wall thickness, what materials is it made of, etc etc. The more you provide the better the advice will be.
If only there existed some kind of website where you could pay people to print things for you…
I think a makerspace would be a better bet! Keen to come too.