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I’m an engineer working on everything from mechanical design, electronics, chillers/heaters, robotics, to firmware & software systems. I’d love to help others print their ideas! I can also provide design feedback and services to help propel your idea from concept to reality!

  • I’m a design engineer in Vancouver, Canada who’s had a hub on 3D Hubs for several years and quickly turned into a level 4 “Professional” according to their metrics. Had great reviews and metrics, but just missed the cutoff for being considered a manufacturing partner due to demand in my local area. …

  • I agree. Given how 3D hubs takes such a large percentage (12.5%), I would expect to see more useful perks for the hubs that are on here.

  • That’s too bad. It would be nice to have it for all users and also on the US site. As of right now I don’t find any of the existing perks useful.