contact monoprice, otherwise, see the MP Select Mini Wiki, it could help u.
Did you use cura for the slicing?
WOWWWWW pretty impressive, congrats!
wooooooo nice to know that it works! Great job buddy ! Also, for the printbot, i dont know if somebody told u earlier but when u do longer prints, u must have a cooling system for the extrusion head, for avoid clugs. Like this Extruder Fan Mount for Printrbot Simple by drewsloan - Thingiverse Have …
Is the wooden version with the wood extruder? Because it has a lot of issues, make sure that your nozzle is clean and do some extrusions test before each print, try to change the extruder head for a alu head because it works better for pushing the plastic. If nothing works, check all the electronics…
i can help u, contact me bossi_178@hotmail.com
Cool thanks!