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  • Hello. I’m experiencing the same issues. I didn’t see a resolution on this thread. Can you share the outcome? Thanks.

  • Yes. The print just happened to look like the other model but it wasnt. Chance thing. Thanks for the help.

  • So I ran some test prints on just the top cylinder part. There is a 5 second min print time per layer and not enough in that small space to print at the normal print settings. I increased the infill and decreased the time to 4.5 sec and it worked well.

  • Hello, I have a Printrbot Metal Plus and I’ve been printing for just over a week. My print isn’t coming out as expected. It is like it is using a different model than what I have in Cura. I’m designing in Fusion 360. So what I’m trying to print is “Pic #1”. Everything goes as planned until I hit th…