Do you still provide prints in PTCPE? 3dhubs doesnt offer that option anymore
Discounted brand new filament in different colors for sale! We have a 3D printing service business and we had a need for many colors last year. Now, we are mainly printing in basic colors and want to offload some of our inventory. We bought these, never opened, ABS & PLA 1KG spools and they are bra…
I must get asked this 10-15 times a month now that these printers are getting old enough that their keypads are wearing out. The problem with the keypads is that Makerbot used a really cheap method of manufacturing that coats/paints on the black conductive spot on the back of the keypad buttons, and…
Currently, all calculations done by 3D Hubs on the ordering page are done assuming a 1.2 mm shell and 25% infill. However, sometimes you get orders where the customers specifically asked for a different infill percentage for added strength. Now, there is no way a customer can specify this, which ma…
Customers are uploading models and getting the price displayed in the bottom right from the automatically chosen manufacturing partner and using that as a guide to the cost of the printed part, no problem with that right? But… Later they revisit the site with the intention of going ahead and then …
I got an email from 3D Hubs complaining that “some Hubs are not shipping parts in a box that was tab-locking” and that “not following the packaging guidelines will lead to exclusion from the manufacturing partner program”. So where are we supposed to get these “brown, tab locking boxes” ?? When se…
Hello, I purchased CTC 3D printer a week ago and so far I have been satisfied with print quality. However it doesn’t seem to be able to read SD cards (it detects the card but doesn’t find any files). I figured that I have to update the firmware from 7.4 to newer versions but I don’t know which MCU …
I am using PETG filament, a model that I recently printed took over 10 hours to print, when separating the print from the support material, part of the print snapped off. I have tried using super glue to bond the two parts back together but it isn’t a strong bond. What is the best way to bond two P…
1) Allow customers to specify infill amounts I get frequent requests for full or high amount of infill to be used.This is very problematic for me because it leaves me either absorbing the cost, or trying to estimate a cost, and coming back to the customer with a higher price than they expected and …
Hi has anyone managed to get a replicator mini plus working on a 32bit operating system?
I have received several orders where the customer somehow submits the instant order without payment (so it sits there as an ‘accepted order’ waiting for payment to start printing) It was my understanding that a customer could not submit an instant order without providing payment info. This also lead…
Hi all, I have about six models I’ll need printed in some sort of soft, flexible white material (e.g. Ninjaflex) by the middle of next week. They’re all fairly flat, none more than about 20 mm high, in the neighbourhood of 200 x 120 mm in area. Are there any hubs in Toronto who might be able to ta…
Hi @marcmiller3d, Thank you for sharing. So what was your story? The number is counting different things. It used to also include Hubs who are offline or have created duplicate Hubs. Over the years we’ve introduced many verification steps to avoid this and today we’re showing the number of actual …
Since you created the drawing and exported it using Save to STL - while in Sketchup. You can import that STL file back into Sketchup. If there is a problem with your STL, you will see it in the imported STL. THEN If there are no errors in your STL in Sketchup, you should be good to go. I do thi…
Hi @keebie81, For 3D Hubs Express, there are more factors then the price taken into account as stated in the “Manufacturing partner Eligibility and review policy” on your dashboard. We definitely do not select the cheapest all the time. The race to the bottom is something we absolutely want to avoi…
I am not in the Express Checkout program, and my order quantity seems to have normalized at 3 orders per week (which really isn’t much, clearly below the numbers pre-Express being implemented) as the current average since the start of September. Most are repeat customers (which I am now directing to…
HI, I’m a WASP reseller in Italy. I think that you can ask directly to WASP. The website accessories page is: http://www.personalfab.it/en/stampante-3d/tools-replacements/delta-wasp-en/ Happy printing with WASP!
What a sneaky way to spam your own filament
I completely agree with you. I had to shut off instant order since a customer kept placing the same order, deleting their user account, then placing the same order again (with identical STL parts) under a different user name: Guess whose ranking suffers because of that? 3DHubs doesn’t seem to realiz…
The printability checks on here are WAY too weak for this. Seriously, it doesn’t even check for non-manifold meshes! FAIL. I would consider using this feature if it was restricted to manifold, single-shelled meshes with no self-intersections.
I am really hesitant about this feature. How does quanity/number of files uploaded get applied into the claculation? I would never meet a 2 day deadline if a customer orders 10+ of a design or uploads a bunch of files. I do have a day job and can’t be home to remove and start new prints to meet a or…
Hi! At first, please check the spool you are using. Is it Zortrax material? Does the thread have any changes in colour or diameter? Was this an old spool? Is the issue repeatable with other spools? As for changing temperature, update your Z-SUITE firmware, as we’ve recently applied “external mat…
Ciao. Si è possibile cambiare la temperatura della hot end e non solo. La nuova versione z-suite (1.11.0) vi permetterà di cambiare temperature. Bisogna scegliere advanced setting. Ciao
For your Barbie pool?? lol.
Hi, Preapproved payments is not for payments you receive, but for payments you do for subscription services, like spotify and stuffn where you allow such services to get the money they want without asking. You don’t need to do anything to accept payments, they are just accepted.
Isopropyl alchohol - IPA I wouldn’t touch that printer at all for one very simple reason. They have the build platform installed without a resin tank underneath. The build platforms can store small amounts of resin inside them (they aren’t meant to but it happens). If it drips onto the mirror then …
Astromech.net should have them. You’ll have to register and abide by the R2 builders’ rules, pf course. Those designs are owned by Disney and Lucasfilm, after all.
We put a lot of work and love into the design, documentation, and user experience of LulzBot 3D printers. Most new users are able to progress from a sealed box to their first 3D printed rocktopus in about an hour. Need help? Our highly-praised technical support team is available 24/7, through email …
Well, as far as dimensions are concerned, any decent slicing program will report the printing dimensions of the sliced model, so there’s no need to guess. In terms of getting the prints right (accurate to those dimensions) why shouldn’t they be? I know all my prints come out well within the toleranc…
That is actually the definition of price fixing. If someone can afford to give something away indefinitely then it isn’t worth anything. If there is no distinction between what you do and the person who is cheaper then you are indeed overpriced. If someone is offering low prices to enter the market …