Does the extruder clogs to the problem you need to disassemble? I have addressed most of those issues by: * Lower extrussion temperature to 210. * Declare a wider filament on configuration (as in 1.85mm instead of 1.75mm). (Some filament manufacturers don’t have consistent density). * Dry filame…
The geeetech g2s is a headache. Their prisa is solid. I have both. But the g2s requires extra work. It takes many upgrades to get it to produce consistent quality. Also, don’t expect to make a big profit in this site. At best you end up paying the price of the printers and equipment.
Otherwise, I am in sudbury, and I travel to the woburn area once in a while. I am a hobbyist with a 3D printer that prints things in 3dhubs (not a 3D printing business), however. If you are looking for load bearing parts, the ones I suggested may be a better idea. If you are just looking for prototy…
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