Didn’t cool mine down last time, and had to clean out the extruder this morning… It cleans easily though… Just screw out the tip, you could switch the two if you want… Hahaha! That extruder doesn’t look bad at all! Sorry… Having internet troubles… [DSC05551_0.JPG] [DSC05549_0.JPG] [DSC05543_0.jp…
You may also want to invest some time into reading “The Manual” http://www.sailfishfirmware.com/doc/sailfish.html . Pay close attention to section 5 the slicer calibration chapter.
Crappy feed tube, don’t use them. Also, initially don’t leave it alone until you know it prints good. Without a few mods it will most likely not print a long print on its own. Also, make sure your temperature is appropriate, too cold and it will start skipping when extruding.
Hey! I had the same problem. The thing is, the tubes feeding the plastic into the printer have too much friction. I solved it by making a wall bracket and feeding the plastic,straight from the spool, into the extruders… I could attach a picture if you’d like?