Flush with IPA and then dry it with compressed air.
Use pure IPA (isopropyl alcohol). Put it in a syringe (10 ml) and put a 1cm long rubber tubing instead of the needle. Remove the heads and clean them first with IPA (don’t forget to wear nitrile gloves, of course). Be sure to have pure IPA and clean (never used: no particles inside). Then, flush the…
Clean the tube again and remove the heads and clean them also, with pure IPA (no water mix). You can unclog the heads by using a syringe and force IPA through the nozzles: you have two holes and you need to close the other one with your finger. Use goggles and gloves!
You need to clean the vacuum tube going from head to the vacuum pump assembly. You may also clean the assembly itself, or replace the valves (just in case it’s impossible to clean). The problem usually comes from a clogged material or support material filter. It can also come from a clogged head: yo…
We have Eva and Spider.
We have Artec scanners and we can scan it for 120$/h. It should not take more than one hour.
We have this black ABS 3mm filament for sale. 50$ for 10 spools of 1KG. Brand: XYD. All unopened except one. [IMG_0917.JPG]