It’s a PID loop for the extruded, thus the relay is getting voltages between open and closed state and cycling. I recommend not using a relay and looking to something else.
I remember having a blast trying to figure this out before I figured out there is a specific order you have to follow on homing first, then probing, then NOT homing after probing because if I remember right it deletes the data kept for the adjustment matrix.
Used stratasys mojo for sale in Houston, TX. Looking for local pickup only this is a large machine. Industrial quality, not too big for your house / office. Comes with Wavewash support removal system and about 1/2 model material and 1/2 support material packs. Please message me at elee@supersoli3d…
I offer this service and you can definitely measure the real distances from the resulting scan. Message me through my hub if you would like to know more!
Hey there, yes I did sell it.
You need to know what you want to do with your scanners and printers, this question is like asking what is the best vehicle? It could be a spaceship, could be a motorcycle, could be a boat. Where are you going with it?
Ive used Agisoft Photoscan with a high end DSLR. For still objects great results can be achieved. Ive played with the MS Kinect as well, and its fun for hobbyists to try it out but the results are mediocre. The best setup ive used are the Artec structured light scanners (eva and spider) but I have g…
Use a caliper to ensure the diameter is indeed 1.75mm. That has caused issues with other cheapo PLA with my printers before.
I’m thinking this fellow has an image and wants it in 3d. You’ll need to sculpt it yourself, try out MeshMixer to get started with sculpting.
If you play with accel values you might be able to get some more speed if you run the hot end a little hotter (since you’ll be pumping plastic through there). Delta printers are very fast usually if you’re interested int he pursuit of speed.
PB+ 1404 in great shape with Octopi running on a Raspberry Pi, E3D Style hot end, auto-level, heated bed, room for dual extruders, beefier belt tensioner, etc… It’s a well maintained printer, and I’ll help you get started using it if you pick it up. I’ll give the slic3r configs, as well as those for…
I would be interested in Prototyping / 3D Modeling & Rendering. My hub: http://www.3dhubs.com/houston/hubs/evan
*with acrylics
Airbrush on pla has worked for me so far…