Here’s mine. It’s actually a FFF file, so just change the file extension (from PDF) and import into Simplify3D. CTC Creator.pdf (11.2 KB)
IMHO, if you’re prints are great - what’s the problem you’re fixing? I upgraded one of my CTC boards and somehow bricked the board. I did another board and it worked and I get no useful benefits.
Have you tried connecting via ReplicatorG? I have a CTC that displays blocks on the LCD. I’ve been told it could be one of the 16MhZ crystals on the board or it could be a blown capacitor or it could be fine and I just can’t get the timing right while trying to reflash it. I’m about to buy a new boa…
I’m not sure if I’m happy or sad to hear that it happens to non-Sailfish machines. My machine with original firmware works perfectly. The one with Sailfish died within 1 day of upgrade. Maybe it’s just a coincidence.
If you upgraded to Sailfish - that’s your problem. I did the same and it fried my board. Bottom line - Sailfish kills these machines.