We can definitely do this. Check out our hub at https://www.3dhubs.com/baltimore/hubs/direct-dimension
You name it, we scan it! Check out our Hub at https://www.3dhubs.com/baltimore/hubs/direct-dimension Happy to help.
How intricate is the design and how shiny are the surfaces? FWIW, probably the best tool for this project is the Surphaser 3D Laser Scanner. Perhaps you can find a service bureau where you are to help you with this project. See more about the Surphaser at http://www.directdimensions.com/port_feature…
Full body scanning can be tricky. We have a lot of experience with this. Some scanners work better than others. You should contact us directly for more. Michael at Direct Dimensions info (at) dirdim.com @dirdim
We’re sure fans of this idea!
So funny - I literally was about to submit the exact same request! Hey Hubs, what do you think?? Be an easy option to add, I would think. If you need help with understanding the 3D scanning services market, we’ve been at this for over 20 years - happy to help! PS - seems without a printer ‘online’…
Hi Alex, This is our expertise. We’ve helped dozens, maybe even hundreds, of artists do just this. Unfortunately we’re across the country from you so may not be easy for us to help you, but we can try. You can see examples of our work here: http://sculpture.directdimensions.com. We’ve been doing th…
We’re 20+ year 3D scanning experts right here in Baltimore! We don’t print in-house but we know a great local printer source for this. Happy to take a look at this for you. Go to www.Bmore3D.com for contact info. We’re in Owings Mills.
We should be able to help you with this: www.directdimensions.com or info@dirdim.com