in the end I changed the motherboard and for now it seems ok though I have not done really long prints since then.
good point I’ll check that out. So far it is printing as I would expect, 20 hr print at 5:30 hr and 20% Cheers Tony
sorry, I am connected using USB
download the STL file from tinkercad to my Mac then drag and drop into Flashprint. I have made lots of prints that way
Hi I am using Flashprint slicer, the thing is its not every time I need four items for the piece of kit I am making. So far I have made two prints successfully and have had three failures wasting a lot of ABS and time. each item is slightly different so I have to reload each time. Is there anyway I …
Thanks for the reply, The problem I have is that when it reaches 100% it finishes even thought there maybe 5% left to print. or at least I think that is the problem is a 20 hour print to much for the Dreamer? It seems to be ok on smaller prints, could you suggest any other things it maybe.