And yes, thinkercad can save the objects as .stl files
Also, your students could start creating basic models with Thinkercad, another free application from Autodesk,: https://www.tinkercad.com/ I am sure that your students will start using it in no time just by looking the tons of videos in youtube, it is really easy to use!.
Quick and dirty answer: Versa Connector (TNDCI DEV) 0.0.1 - Sign On This is free software that allows you to create a sculpture, and save it in STL format. Take a look!
Hi there, I have the Fuel3D Scanify, it is fun, fast, but it is works mostly for one face scans. The new release of their software has stitching capabilities, but as far as I had played with it, it does not do a good job at it. Cheers!
Hey, I’m just curious, did you sell the PrintrBot? cheers
It is like a SPA!
Nice prints! can I ask what scanner are you using? Rgards
Hey, this is Seeme CNC all over again!
Glad to see you guys here.
Well, I do not know about Kossel, but the Rostock Max V2 kit is very well designed that you practically have no troubles with the geometry. I had built a Rostock V1 and I had to take care of geometry troubles, true. However, these issues were fixed with V2. I already had built two Rostocks MAX V2,…
For me, the two more important advantages are: The Z axis. While in a cartesian printer the Z axis move is given by a different mechanism than Y and Z axis, in a Delta printer all three arms are actionated exactly the same way. As the actuator is lighter (as per design), you have less inertia to b…
Well, I forgot to paste the link for the filament
What about T-Glass? look at this results Single-Perimeter Rocket for Seamless Spiral Printing by mech-G - Thingiverse
I would be happy to participate in Prototyping This is my HUB http://www.3dhubs.com/houston/hubs/art Thanks! - Art