In case anyone is interested, I changed the “Solid Infill Underspeed” setting in Simplify3D from 80% (the default setting) to 50%. This greatly improved my surface quality and almost completely filled those voids.
Thanks in advance!
Problem solved! I lowered my Z-axis from a position of Z-0.9 to Z-1.1, as well as lowering my printing temperature to 200C. Thanks everyone for your help! -Andy [IMG_20160719_211735917.jpg]
Thanks Steve! I always forget about that the thickness should match. That will also be changed on the next revision
Thanks Ian! It’s now on my troubleshooting list
Thanks for the advice! I’ve heard about Simplify3d, but didn’t know what the advantage was - I’ll add that to my list to save for
Thanks for the info on the temp of my hot end. I’ll try cooling it down and see how well that works! My first layer is already printing slower than the other layers (20m…
Thanks! I will be giving that a try - I think that’s my next logical troubleshooting step
Don’t apologize at all for the long post! That was all very helpful information! I hadn’t ever heard a good case for upgrading my hot end, so now I’ll start saving up
Also, I’ve heard multiple people recommend a better fan/blower. I’ll definitely be printing a better fan shroud to get improved airf…
Thanks @gabriela3d for your help! I appreciate it
Here’s the link to that first thread that I created. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!
I’m having the same issue! I just started a thread, but it still says that it is “UNPUBLISHED.” Any idea what causes this? Is it because I just joined 3D Hubs today? Thanks in advance! -Andy