Yes but it would need an additional epoxy coat to make it waterproof
That’s a neat link. Basically the most important thing is to understand drafting angles and under cuts. Secondly you need to understand the material you work with- is it soft/ flexible or is it hard and rigid - the softer the steeper your drafting angle can be and maybe you can do undercuts. Thir…
so what is your question? How to create patterns in solid works or how to make a mould design in SW? Also what kind of material do you want to mould?
not sure if really very very hard is correct- Printing with a FDM printer just requires the correct models to get great results. Just too many people think it’s like a star trek replicator…and to change this perception is maybe really very very hard.
I think it’s one of the best printers for in terms of price/ quality and service. Nylon (taubmann) is fine and PLA I haven’t printed ABS and anything else on it.