Zprinter 510
fast axis problems
Barcelona // 28/9/17
Hi everybody, could somebody help us?
we have a problem with our Zprinter 510 :
we are printing monocrome and the printer starts normal, prints fine, but after having printed a few layers it stops.
In every file it’s different; in a file of 61 layers it stops at 21 // in a file of 300 layers it stops at 10… but the error happens always at the same layer for the same file.
The printer says: error 2305:1 axis 1 error
the log file says: axis can’t settle
we checked that the cable is well connected, we cleaned the axis, grease… but the printer repeats again and again the same failure.
Has anybody got the same problem, can anybody help?
Thank you very much.
did you figure out what the problem was. Its happening to mine.
Yes, well, it was long time a go, now it is solve.
If I remember good, That was provocated by the cleaning rubber in the cleaning station.
We change it and the problem was solved. Every time that we print, we clean it with destiled water and we check if this ruber pert is good seat in the cleaning station.
Then we had problems with the mother plaque it was overtemp and provocate alot of problems, we solved it with a ventilator in the back part of printer.
Please let me know if you can solve the problems
Thank you, The 2303 (0) error ended up to be the slow axis motor that was going out. Works great now.