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Feb 2016

Today Zortrax has launched a very unique promotion! If you buy a special bundle containing 56 rolls of Zortrax 3D printing materials, you will get the legendary M200 3D printer for free! Cost of the bundle is only 1878 euro ($2030 USD) and the offer will run until the 4th of March on store.zortrax.com. Any registered user will only be able to buy one bundle.

Printing materials available in the bundle:

Z-ABS Yellow 5
Z-ABS Red 5
Z-ABS Blue 5
Z-ABS Warm Gre 5
Z-ABS Pure White 8
Z-GLASS Transparent 3
Z-PETG Black 3
Z-HIPS Grey 3
Z-ULTRAT Green 3
Z-ULTRAT Yellow 2
Z-ULTRAT Pastel Pink 2
Z-ULTRAT Pastel Yellow 3
Z-ULTRAT Neon Orange 2
Z-PCABS Ivory 1

Hurry up and get yourself a free M200 3D printer!

  • created

    Feb '16
  • last reply

    May '16
  • 9


  • 1.8k


  • 9


Looks good on the face of it - but shipping costs (UK) and tax lift the overall price to in excess of 2600 Euros. I suspect Zortrax are positioning themselves in anticipation of the release of there new flagship dual extruder model (delayed release). The M200 is a fantastic machine (I have one) but I suspect the cost of new M200’s will fall significantly over the next few months - personally I wouldn’t be in such a hurry to make this considered purchase unless you have an immediate requirement.

Hello! I’m really interest for this offer, unfortunately i can not find it on store. Should i choose, qty and materials manualy into the one order?

Polish company - don’t give a s*** about Polish customers.

$2,537 with shipping. You basically pay for the cost of the ABS included and get the rest free. Pretty good deal.

Hey Marcin,

I ordered the bundle back on the 25th or 26th. Any estimate on when it might ship and how long it will take to get to the US? Order ID 688 if that helps.



3 months later