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Mar 2016


We recently have bought a new zmorph printer but we are not able to use the laser tool.

We already saw all the zmorph tutorials and we still have some queries.

There are some instructions in this link: https://zmorph3d.com/laser-tutorial/ 12, apart from the video, to edit config file and reset the machine to start working. We have followed them but we have not achieved it.

1. We have calibrated it like in the video, changing to the laser tool properly, preparing the DXF file for print and arming the laser.

2. After connecting machine to computer, we have edited config file in laser_module_max_power from “0,1” to “1.0” and laser module_enable from “false” to “true” .
Laser module tickle_power parameter is in “0.0”, is it ok?.

3. Once we try to print ,after reset and arm the laser (red light on), the head starts to move , as if it were printed the file, but the laser beam does nothing over the carboard. It is like if the laser was not enough powerful to cut or make the any work. I attach a photo from the INFO SCREEN during “printing” process

At the screen, It seems that the machine temperature or laser strentgh is too low to start the work. Could it be this the problem? If not, what can it be and how can we solve it?Thank you in advance.


  • created

    Mar '16
  • last reply

    Mar '16
  • 7


  • 2.3k


  • 3



Just want to know:

- Did you see the laser beam? (remember to put on the protective goggle)

- How fast is your work speed? You may need to tune it down.

- What’s the thickness and the colour of the material you are cutting? The colour is important because laser works better with dark coloured materials (better absorption).


Hi. Thanks for your quick response.

There is a tiny laser blue light that we can only see it if we lift up the head over the z axis.

The SET TRAVEL SPEED (in voxelizer dxf view) is 150 mm/s. The GCODE DISPLAY (in voxelizer) has the following parameters speed: XYZ Speed (200 mm/s) Z Speed ( 20 mm/s) E move (5 mm/s) E speed (5mm/s).

The material is a 2mm brown carboard (I attach a photo). The other carboard (also 2mm) is for protect the crystal base.

I really dont know what more can I do :frowning:

Captura de pantalla 2016-03-29 a las 11.25.17.png

You should at least be seeing some marks appear on the cardboard if the laser is firing. I suggest you contact Customer support via the Support / Submit a request at the top right of the page on the tutorial page. You will get a direct acknowledgment to your query - if not let me know and I will talk to them directly.

Iain Duncan mic2c.com 1

Great to hear that. Just curious - what caused your y-axis problem and how did you solve it?