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Nov 2017

Hi friends, one of mine zcorp z510 dint start, i only see on the lcd Higth definition 3d color, nothing more!!

I think that perhaps the battery go out or the sd died…

Any one had this problem and solve?? i would like to change the battery of the other printer, anyone do it?? tecnicals says that if we change the battery we will need to restart all the software on the printer???

I would like to learn about do a security copie of the system, any one know how i must to do??

If anyone could help here will be happy!!

thanks for all


I realise it’s an older machine but I’d get in touch with 3d systems. Their help desk guys are happy to help where they can even if you don’t have a service agreement with them.

Hi, finally solved,

I plug a monitor and see that the problem was on the cell battery, change it change the parameters and now ist working other time!!

Thanks for all!!
