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Jul 2016

We are looking for a second hand Zcorp 3dprinter, also monochrome it’s fine. Our budget is between 2000 and 10000 euro depending on the state of the machine. We found some online website like UZATA but the list of available 3dprinters in Europe it’s really limited.

We were wondering if somebody here has a better suggestion where to find a second hand Zcorp machine or if somebody is about to sell his own.


4 months later

Hi matteo, where are you from?

I have two z510 z corp color machines full working, really we use one of they, the other only when i need extra jobs, could be interesting for you and me sell one of this machines, but really on a real price, if you are interested could be talking on 12.000€

Tell me about uf you are interested.



I am from rotterdam in the netherlands, we already found a printer but maybe soon we will purchase another one. I ll keep it in mind and contact you when we will consider of buying a new machine. Thanks