I balanced and home-set my printer; however, whenever I print, the nozzle just doesnt print on the base. Instead it prints like 5-9mm above it. My printer is Flashforge pro dual head.
When using makerbot sw, it doesnt allow me to offset the z-axis. I also tried to offet it using Replica G but it says something like deprecated offset in firmware 7.7.
Did you change or upgrade your firmware recently? I was thinking maybe your bed is not leveled. However, when I see your setup, I assume you are an experienced printer. Unless you bought this printer from someone else. Therefore, it is a very small chance that you didn’t level your bed properly.
In my opinion, possibly that this is due to firmware issues. I assume you are using sailfish. If yes, then Makerbot software would not let you open the onboard preferences. Try replicator g sailfish version. Go to the onboard references and try to vary the z home offset to see if any change, but be careful not to let the nozzle hit the build plate.
I would say it’s a firmware issue as well. No way that an unlevel bed is going to cause an offset of almost a centimeter. I see you’re running a glass bed plate, are you utilizing a z axis shim to contact the z switch to account for the bed thickness? Could be that the shim is much thicker than the glass bed for some reason.
Check the spacer at the back of your build plate, it might be thicker than your glass, if not then check z offset settings in slicer settings or firmware. Hope this helps.