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Feb 2016

I just purchased a davinci 2.0 and see no straight forward way with xyz ware to break up the .stl file to take advantage of the dual extruders . Is there a better software to accomplish this?

There is no simple way to do this. You have to have 2 stl files to even print with both extruders.

What I did was bought Simplify3d. It has a feature where it literally combines your 2 stl files into one based off where they where saved on the coordinates in you modeling software. Simplify3d is worth the money.

Everything I see is for the old 2.0 with a single fan, anything for the new dual fan 2.0a? Is it still version .92?

I’m not sure if I have a 2.0a or not but I have the dual cooling fans. I am running .92

well that’s simple. Mine is grey, well more white than grey. definitely not blue though.

mine is the 2.0a (blue) I’m seeing a possibility using repetierG just need to figure out if I can get it back to my xyz ware.

When you do flash it post a link or video that helped you, I want to flash mine to I just am having trouble finding a video for a 2.0a