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Oct 2015

is there someone else printing with a X350 Professional Printer? I like to get in contact with other X350 users to exchange best Print Settings. Kind regards, Johannes

Hi Johannes,

I have one but it was literately “dropped off” for delivery. Severely damaged and working on getting a replacement. Very disappointing. I’ll be in touch once I’m up and running.

Take Care,


Hi Chad,

Hope you will get your problem fixed as soon as possible. The X350 is a very nice printer with a fantastic potetial and the company bulding it are cool and smart people. I picked up my X350 direct in the company close to Munich and transported it home by car.

Please tell me about your solution with your damaged printer and hopefully your first prints with it soon.

Best regards,


4 months later
2 years later

Hi Johannes,

Just revived and X350 with enhanced print bed and added a exchangeable glass plate on alum plate. Works very fine and print a lot of materials on it.

Gr. Patrick