Has anybody else experienced a much reduced workflow (new orders) over the past 3-4 weeks (Midlands UK region). Not sure what the reason is - could it be seasonal or something more sinister. Would like to know if others are in the same predicament.
I have noticed there is busy weeks where you are really struggling to get everything out on time. Then some weeks there is only one or two orders for the week. I think its just the fickle nature of people needing prints. Also with it being summer some people are not in school so there isnt much work from their projects needing to be printed.
Same here in SW, after all the student degree shows and similar events the summer seems to be quiet (but thats been the same pattern for years) - however not usually this quiet.
I’ve had a few customers that couldn’t find us on the 3D Hubs search list since the changes and find that the search order is now bizarre… Even if I search for a hub in my area the recommendation don’t seem to be based on the factors 3D hubs says (response time, cost, reviews etc).
On the up side of the summer we are getting more work from yatch designers and similar - might be worth looking at local businesses that have a more ‘summer’ trade and offer up your services.