I’m the owner of a Witbox 1 and now since today a Witbox 2… However, I set it up and tried a print and it was extremely noisy not the usual loudness of the Witbox 1 but more rattling and sounds that don’t sound like they’re meant to be there. Is anyone else having this issue or is anyone hearing these sounds on their Witbox 2?
I have uploaded some videos so you can hear:
the witbox 2 is noiser than the one. Probably in your case you also leveled the plate too tight or you should set correctly the offset. To set the offset follow the instruction in the packaging but consider to use a paper (as in the Witbox 1) to leave a minimum distance.
I have the same, but the reason is probably indeed the nozzle distant.
Best regards,
I have a Witbox 2 myself and I had some sound problems myself - but this sounds strange. Well in my case it was the hotend cooler fan. Mine was a bit loose and vibrated during the print. Since I fastend the screws a bit my W2 is silent.
Also Tip: When you print via a USB-Connection and have the Auto-Leveling feature on - switch the menu to Settings and leave it there. There is a strange behavior within the Marlin Firmware where the Printer is “thinking” between every turn wich results in a “stop and go” and finally result in “blobs” of plastic on the print. When you in the Settings Menu and just leave it there on say “lights” then the printer will run smoothly.
June 21, 2016, 2:32pm
If you are using the Twisted Box gcode inside the SD Card its normal due to its printing settings (High Speeds and accelerations).
Try to slice one piece with the Official BQ Profiles for Cura , you will note the difference.
Best Regards.
As a witbox2 owner I never encountered these sounds. Sometimes I had a similar sound, due to the printhead being to close to the glassplate. (a manual offset correction does the trick). But this is something else. Did you already put some oil on the sliders ? My guess would be a defecte ball bearing in the sliding mechanism or ball bearing in the motor. Try printing a straight line on the X axis ,compare that sound to a testprint of a line on the Y axis.
The Witbox 2 makes more noise than the Witbox 1
If you think there is a vibration noise, check X bars alignment (unlock screw left and right)
July 13, 2016, 10:09am
You should try the new firmware, ithey have changed the frequency of the motors and the noise is lower now.
You can download it here .
hi. had the same problem. that metallic sound is due to the balls bearings. i replaced them with teflon bearings and… no sound at all !
Thanks for the info, do you have a link to the bearings you used? That would be great!
of course. i used Igus DryLin® RJ4JP that is the LM8UU equivalent. you will be surprised. they are incredibly silent and no luz is needed. they are self lubricating!
Turns out that the noise was the result of poor linear bearings that the Witbox was fitted with as standard. I’ve replaced them with IGUS Drylin see this video to compare sounds 3D Printer LM8UU ball bearings vs IGUS drylin bearings - YouTube
January 21, 2019, 3:31pm
Just thought i should say that @champion3d was totally correct. Fixed the noise, but the printer’s still a piece of S%&t.