I have several files that I have received from the same designer and they all print very small (like at 1/10 the scale). I have downloaded other files and they all print to scale but the files (all) I receive from the designer do not. I have asked him why and he says that I have my settings wrong. I am a novice…what do I do?
Usually it’s the conversion between cm and mm. Sometimes 10 times smaller, sometimes 10 times larger. Just scale it up to x10.
How will I know if it is the size that I intended…at 100%?
If your customer uploads the model here on 3Dhubs it should be showing the right dimensions next to the model preview but sometimes when you download it, it’s not the right scale. Happened to me many times. The best way is to always confirm it with the customer before printing, not just the dimensions but infill, number of shells, top and bottom thicknesses and so on.
The customer is uploading a cm model using the mm button. = 10% incorrect.
Or, the customer is uploading an inch model using the mm button = 2540% incorrect.
SO, you need to verify with the customer the correct size. At that point, you can download the model, and reupload using the correct setting.
Then, delete the incorrect upload, and you will have a correct quote.