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Jan 2016

Hey @Ashley_R really cool to see that even on the other side of the world the experience of ordering a print and going through the design process is so awesome. Thanks for sharing your story, hope many more may follow!

I totally agree! But this has only been affordable because 3dhubs connects you with expensive high quality printers in the same city. I always have projects on the go and will share a few of them here soon…infact I just uploaded a quick story about my broken lawn mower.

4 months later
3 months later

You can find it on Shapeways so anyone can order it. I found they have a great website and offer the best metal prints.

That’s pretty cool, @Ashley_R, thanks for the tip! The reason I was asking for the files is because I wanted to include them on our content page and flaunt them on social a bit :slight_smile: I’m really a huge fan! Thanks anyway.

You can find amazing printing work in metal here on 3D Hubs by the way (blowing our own trumpet can’t hurt :P). And if you’re interested in trying some swanky new materials, we recently introduced a new line of high definition materials - feel free to check them out here: SLS 3D Printing Service | Instant Quotes, Online Ordering | Hubs. I’m more than happy to help with some recommendations if needed. Cheers!

Oh thanks @gabriela3d, there are some pretty amazing products on that page! I could put it on thinginverse and it would be great to see it linked to 3D hubs perhaps so people can click it and print it directly. I like the hd products, but I didn’t know Hubs could print metal, I will look here first next time for sure now! You guys just keep kicking goals!