So I’m new to this 3D printing game and want to buy a beginners printer. I have about £400 ($450) to spend. Its going to sit next to my computer in the spare room. I have been looking at a Creality CR10 mini £325 for a while and very nearly pressed the buy button. I have since seen a Qidi one X £338 and a flash forge creator on ebay £400. Does an enclosed one actually keep the noise down? Im thinking if I leave it running for 24hrs and quieter one would be Mrs proof. Is a duel extruder worth the extra expense or is it a gimmick? Any advice on any? I a bit unsure on the 1 month delivery from China route but am pretty computer and diy savvi.
I love my CR-10 and would totally recommend it. I made a lot of videos on my youtube channel about it here: 4 The CR-10 has been one of the best selling 3d printers for a while now for plenty of reasons; Low price, huge heated bed, many materials, fast printing, great build quality, easy to use, etc.
I have a coupon to get the CR-10 on Gearbest for $339.99, which is by far the lowest price I can find.
they dont always take a mth cr 10 300 300 400 £307 on banggood 7 20 days extra 5.60 5 8 days extra 28.67… you will get your doubters about this machine … a little noisey but noting you carnt fix with some octura fans mine has been fantastic so much so i sold my makerbots and have 3… i do have them inside a cupboard but have had no issues outside of one … makerbot replacement extruder costs £180 a go. iam quids in …and love this machine …iam not paid either just print alot…quite a few rewiews on bg youtube by respected 3dprinting commuinty members to…u can make a cr10 a cr 10 s later with a easy swap out belt drive duel z for $16 better than the cr 10 s duel z imho no coupon codes or affilitate links here .
The mini version just came out, so it doesn’t have that many reviews. I took a look and the only difference I can see is that the build plate and machine size is smaller. The mini costs $319.99 and the CR-10 costs $339.99 so for $20 you will get a bigger build plate, which is worth it in the future when you want to print larger objects.
Thankyou everyone for your replies. I have bought a Creality CR10 in a flash sale for £270. It feels as though we are in a similar period in 3d printing as we were home computers in the 80s. I’ve got my spectrum now and I’m ready to go.