I live in Canada and I’m looking at getting the above mentioned 3D printer, and a bunch of different options are given with which currency to buy it in. For the Canadian dollar its best for me to buy it buy converting to the Czech koruna. Their chat said that its best for me to buy in USD only because of how canadian banks might work., but this would make it cost at least another $100. Also since its paypal that the payment is done through I don’t see how it should be a problem. Just wondering if anyone has done something similar to what I want to do.
Ya, I emailed prusa before I ordered in December and they said they recommend ordering from voxel. I think it saves a little money from conversion transaction fees even though they price a little higher
Me and my friend have actually found buying the printer in Czech Koruna is the cheapest option. Would come to about $800 each before taxes. And since we’re ordering two the shipping will be slightly less. It’s looking like after all the taxes and what not too together it will come to a little under $2k.
I don’t know of a US supplier since we can order direct with no complications. Might be good for Prusa to put out a list of authorized suppliers since they always said they only sell direct.