I have the Artec EVA and as11 is great especially with the autopilot. Scanning large textured areas can be tricky but after a while you get used to it and know what to do. I have focused on large objects like full cars but you need to know what ypu are doing as files can run upto 26gb to process. Every scanner has its limitations. A good review would be the Artec spider and the einscan pro…I am looking for a handheld scanner that can scan with an accuracy of o.o5mm. The einscan pro is around 60 000rands and the spider around 300 000 rands… Would really appreciate a comparison between these two. I have tried using the autodesk memento but did not receive good results at all on a part I was trying to have scanned. The reviews on memento are brilliant but I don’t belive the program is designed to scan engineering components. Another area to look into is photogrammetry. It’s alot work but would not cost that much…
einscan-pro, it’s a very interesting product, could be interesting also to check “scan in a box”
I’ll receive an Einscan Pro within a few weeks! I’ll take a look at the Scan in a Box this week at the Additive Manufacturing Europe trade show.
Excellent! I can’t wait to see the results, especially from the software: ease of cleaning / stitching etc. The scanresults themselves I already saw some examples which look good (for professional purposes). Of course it is, as often, as well a question of price/performance ratio.
Checked out the Scan in a Box yesterday, check this Instagram photo 2.
It uses visible structured light, which gives very detailed geometry, but the monochrome cameras use the same technique to capture color as the Einscan-S does, which I find subpar.
I’m prioritizing hand hand scanners with RGB camera first, so maybe I’ll test that one later.
If you have the Einscan Pro available: I may have a good test situation for you. Send me a direct mail if you’re interested.
Hi Nick – I’ve used Creaform’s GoScan in the past. It’s a decent enough scanner for human body parts, but for that price I always thought they could do better. I’d be curious to know more about Thor3D. There is not much info out there about it, but I think a wireless scanner has been long overdue. I wonder how long the battery lasts.
Very portable color scanner : Matter and Form - 3D Scanning Hardware & Software
But even from their own website the results doesn’t seem very good, but for the price…
I’m curious to that one, too. Unfortunately Matter and Form isn’t very responsive to my requests.
I’m in great contact with Thor 3D and their scanner is on my schedule for the coming months. I like the fact that it’s wireless and am very curious to how it competes with an Artec EVA and Creaform GoScan, which seem to be it’s main competitors that dominate the higher-segment market of 3D Scanning.
To be continued…
Thanks for the offer, but I’ve already arranged one with the complete Color Capture modele & Industrial Pack (Turntable)
Not blown away by the first impressions… But I’ll test it next week!
True, that doesn’t look fantastic…looking forward to seeing your final results!
I’ll also test it with the latest Intel RealSense SDK instead of the XYZ software, since it’s essentially a RealSense F200 in a glossy red body. The reseller I’ve borrowed it from, 3D Ninja, says this works better.
But of course, everything is relative for a $199 device.
I can’t wait to see what you get out of it since I’m considering one of these for home use with projects for my daughters. The price alone makes it an attractive option.
I would definitely love to have a review Digitizer by Makerbot.