where & how can i scan a model

to 3D cad file .

You can try 123Catch. Maybe it suits your need.

If not, we need more information, on what ? and how big?,your location?,…

Hey @pacman, as @Sean_1 mentioned, in order to find a scanner you’ll need to give more details. Depending on size, surface, etc, there are different scanners suitable. Let us know. You can read more about getting started with scanning here.

Hey there! Sketchfab have an office in NY. Get in touch and they’ll help you out.

Tell 'em Pot8oSh3D sent ya. :smiley:



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Pacman, Generating a CAD file from a 3D scan is not an automatic process, but we’re able to do this sort of scanning and Reverse Engineering work to generate a CAD file. I’d love to hear more about your application. Feel free to contact me at hartigs@into3dllc.com (we do on-site scanning or can work from shipped parts). Best Regards, Steve Hartig CEO, Into3D LLC