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Oct 2016

I Am 3d Printing a project that consists of 50 pieces, im currently at my 28th piece and on the last few layers this happened (see attached photos)

I have never had this happen before

Printer (Kossel, With E3D V6, Heated Bed) (Print temp 214c, 70c)
the print did not move on heated bed was still stuck good when i saw printer in morning.

thanks for any help.

  • created

    Oct '16
  • last reply

    Oct '16
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What’s that? PLA? ABS?..
Is your printer connected to a UPS or it’s getting power directly from the wall?

It is directly connected to the wall, And i have octoprint setup running off the same power supply. I havent noticed any fluctuations on my desktops UPS, but i guess anything could happen on the printer.

oh and yes its Pla sorry, it is a reasonable brand i have used many times before (1.75mm)(Blue)(Pla)

Is it reading the Gcode from an SDcard? Maybe the file gets corrupted.
In the pictures it’s not clear, is it making that spaghetti on top of the print :smiley: like the last few layers on top?

I’ve had the same thing when i tried to make an enclosure around my ultimaker 2 and watched this happen multiple times. the motors ran very hot, then the printer would attempt retraction by moving the bed down but skip the step where it moves the bed back up, resulting in spaghetti. the x-y motors would also transiently stop functioning and i’d end up with a print where a layer suddenly shifted like in your second photo. Now i have the printer on planks to ensure cool air is getting to the PCB at the bottom and the motors and it hasn’t recurred.

tldr: check if your printer is too hot, if you’re getting brownouts, and check if your z-axis motor is functionly properly and that the drivetrains are all functioning correctly (tighten belts, lock screws, etc.)

Yep it was only on the last 4 layers, not a big deal just will adjust the print above it to compensate as im printing 25 pieces (25 top 25 bottom) and i don’t think the file is corrupted as i can re open it with cura, and i wasent printing from sd, im using octoprint, and it dident report any problems.

the thing im wondering is if i had a split second power outage, enough to stop the steppers but the board would still be powered by the octopi server. then it continued thinking nothing had happened?

thanks for the info. yeah i think its brownouts. and you could be right about it heating up, i have a MKS mini board (hoping to change to a ramps or smoothie-board) and i have heat sinks on all the stepper motor drivers it doesn’t feel hot to the touch, the stepper motors do get hot after 2-3 hours, not burning but probably 40-50c, ive been looking online for the heat sinks you stick to the back of the motors but havent found any.

i might see if i can put a fan down there. but ill have to tidy the wiring.