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Aug 2016

i normally print a single wall cube to get my flow rate right. ie with a 0.4 nozzle i print a single wall cube with 0.4 thick walls

other than that i use standard settings in cura

of course i use the single wall cube to also test dimensions are correct

btw i’m not one of those that go wooow fast print times

i aim for quality and dont care if it takes longer

oh yes… those that says to print marvin… why not advanced marvin?

Hi @Boelle,

Thanks for your suggestion, I’ll try to print it immediately both on a Zortrax and on an Ultimaker 2+!


what printers do you have in the Amsterdam office?

it could be nice if your work could end up with a kind of guide on how to tune settings to get the max out of a printer

not just the big brand ones but also us “poor people” with kit build ones

At the moment, we have:

  • Two ZortraxM200
  • One Ultimaker 2+
  • One BeeFist
  • One DeeGreen

I’m trying to figure out which one can be a good calibration/quality test, that can be printed also with printers that aren’t so professional as the Zortrax, Ultimaker os Sigma.

These are stress tests. They are great for testing speed, cooling, extrusion temps, retraction.

Calibration for dimensional accuracy is something different. It’s done with simple shapes and a caliper.

I like this one: Perimeter width Test object - slices nices by lshachar - Thingiverse 44
It’s very simple but if you print parts that need to fit together, it’s very useful. Usually the first thing I print on a new build. Once I achieve dimensional accuracy and parts that fit together, I’ll move on to the stress tests.


There are TONS of great 3D printer “tests” on the internet. You seem to have found a few good ones, along with others in the forum. Personally, I typically just print a 20mm cube. While the test is simple, it helps calibrate your printer’s dimensional accuracy. You seem to be printing more stress/torture tests, but dimensional accuracy is important too. I hope this helps!

Hi @MindFuLL,

That’s a great test. I’m playing with it: the results was amazing with my Sigma, Zortrax and BeeFirst. I definitely need to work more on the calibration of my Ultimaker 2+!

Great! Calibrating your printer is essential to printer performance and accuracy.