For some reason, the extruder on my A8 is unable to produce enough force to push the filament through the hot end. When I use software to advance the filament, the motor turns but the filament doesn’t. If I do the same but put pressure on the filament prior to it entering the extruder to help it along, it extrudes just fine. Could this possibly be a clog or is it just bad design on the A8. What should I do to fix it? I don’t have the budget for a new extruder setup so I’d rather not go down that path unless I have to. (I plan to upgrade in the near future though)

I think you should disassemble the extruder and do a thorough cleaning!

Two videos that might help you!

Basics: Cleaning out a clogged nozzle!
How to fix your cr10, cr10s, mini tornado, ender, A10 and others jamming or under extruding.

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Did you tighten the drive gear on the extruder motor?

Yes, it ended up being the spring being too loose coupled with a slightly offset hot end. Once I tightened the spring it seems to work fine.