Hey there everyone,

New to this forum, Love my Anycubic Kossel.

I’m getting great prints. Very happy with the results. I am however unhappy with the quality of the infill. It is rather stringy and broken. I have tried slowing in-fill, slowing all printing, slowing travel speeds, increasing flow rate, increasing infill percentage, etc. The printer is well calibrated and I have no issues now with convexity, etc. I typically print with a speed of 30 & 30 with travel of 50. I use Cura for slicing. Nozzel size of .4, Layer Height of .2, Shell Thinkness of .8, Fill Density of either 15% or 20%, Retraction speed of 50, Retraction distance of 5mm, Combining enabled for “all”.

Any thoughts?

Thanks so much!


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I get this exact same thing if there are internal faces in my models STL file.

When I clean up the internal faces or lines in my model, the infill works much better.

Just a thought!


Thanks so much for the feedback. Do you find that to be true when internal lines exist on purpose. IOW, I use Solid Checker in Sketch-Up to ensure I don’t have any reversed faces, internal faces, stray edges, etc, however, that being said, I do have “pockets” invading the internal space. The pocket’s are there on purpose and the entity still checks-out as being “solid”. I have attached an example herein…

Thanks again!


I’ve printed items with internal faces intentionally placed.

Sometimes, Solid Inspector will say they are solid and sometimes not.

I’ve printed successfully, items that have internal faces, but stray edges are somewhat troublesome.

I also use Sketchup.

Sometimes, even though the items do not show volume, they still print as intended.

It’s a little bit sketchy, (pun intended) , try printing a file that you know is solid with no internal faces or stray edges

to see how that works for you.

Good luck in your endevours.

Yeah, after a little more research I’d say that those “pockets” as I call them as exactly the issue. The infill is perfect until the base of the pockets begins to be formed. At that point, the infill begins to fall apart.

Is this an issue that should be reported to Anycubic, or is it more related to the on-board software? I’d say this is definitely a bug.

Any suggestions on who I should raise this to would be greatly appreciated.



Interestingly enough, I found that simply by flipping the object in Cura, and re-saving the gCode, that the issue was resolved.