
I have a printer “Wanhao duplicator 4S”

I tried to update the software in the printer via a USB cable.

I reset the printer during the update. At the moment I have a white screen.

Something went wrong…

I bought a USB AVR programmer (USBasp 3v3 5V)

I read on the forum that I need to upload a .HEX file to the motherboard.

Thoroughly upload through the 6-pin “1280 ISCP” port to the “ATMEL1280” chip

I installed the “avrdude” and “uscasp” software.

Can anyone advise me how to do it?

Currently my printer is not working.

Thank you

----- My programator:


Drivers: avrdude version 5.11 - patch 7610 libusb-win32 v.

My computer: win 7, 64x