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Oct 2014

I have printed Day1, day4, test case and manifesto case. On the latter 2 where there are untextured aread, I get vertical striations.

The attachments perhaps exaggerate the issue and maybe I am being too picky. Unless you have light reflecting off these lines (as I do in the photos, as well as the fact that these were taken with a macro lens) they are far less noticeable.

I have seen other examples of this on other hubs photos, but I’d love to figure out how to eliminate it. I am acheiving good quality apart from this.

I posted to the Ultimaker forum too, and have already tried a couple of things to eliminate this without any luck so far.

http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/7966-vertical-lines-striations-on-fairphone-case/ 2

Some colurs show this issue up more than others.

Does anyone have any thoughts or suggestions?



  • created

    Oct '14
  • last reply

    Mar '16
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Apparently my posts on the Ultimaker forum need to be moderated until I’ve posted enough to satisfy them that I’m not a psychopath or something. So in the meantime i’ll post what I tried so far here:

I reduced the temperature in 5 deg steps from 210 down to 175, and also reduced the speed from 30 mm/s down to 75% on the front panel for the very low temp prints.

I have also tried multiple materials.

None of the above made any difference.



sorry , to clarify, I printed at 15 deg from the front plane rather that parallel to the front or side.

Another cause can be the belts “riding” over the pulley flanges…

Try running a simple box large enough to test the axes for 100mm length or so - watch EACH of the pulleys a few times back and forth. If the pulleys are not aligned from one end to the other the belt can ride up on the flange and with a toothed belt this means it will ride > slip > ride > slip every tooth creating lines similar to those you have there…

NOT likely to be the vibration I first suggested on an ultimaker 2, especially not at those slower speeds.

Lower the speed, 20-25.

Add a fan in front of your printer.

This may help you

Thanks jbainesy, that’s definitely something worth looking at. I glanced at it this morning and one of the belts is very close to -if not riding up against- the pulley flange. I was printing at the time so couldn’t do the test you suggested, but I will later on.



Good luck! Its easiest to spot when moving slowly, watch the belt just as it comes off/on the pulley, it should be pretty much dead-straight and not jumping up and down (even a little)… Look at the top and bottom of every x/y pulley and watch it in both directions… It usually only happens in 1 direction so you must watch both!

1 year later

Hi, I know this is an old post but did you solve this? Or at least find out what was causing it? I have similar problem that I believe is down to the slicing - probably something I have done, just testing a few of my suspicions now.