OK, I have tried lowering the extrusion rate which was suggested on the UM forum but that didn’t resolve the issue.
I also did a hardware health-check, belts and bolts all tightened up, still no change.
What did help a little is setting the model up at a 15 deg angle in the XY instead of being parallel with either the front or the side as I had before.
I am just letting the current print finish as it’s better than before, but I want to experiment more with alternative slicers.
thanks for the responses, for the record, here are the 2 results for comparison. The only difference being the angle of the model on the bed, and I also printed a few degrees cooler as I realised I was possibly printing at the upper end of the range and thought it might help with the stringing across the gaps.
I still want to try alternative James’ suggestion of alternative slicers and will report back when I do.
Another cause can be the belts “riding” over the pulley flanges…
Try running a simple box large enough to test the axes for 100mm length or so - watch EACH of the pulleys a few times back and forth. If the pulleys are not aligned from one end to the other the belt can ride up on the flange and with a toothed belt this means it will ride > slip > ride > slip every tooth creating lines similar to those you have there…
NOT likely to be the vibration I first suggested on an ultimaker 2, especially not at those slower speeds.
Thanks jbainesy, that’s definitely something worth looking at. I glanced at it this morning and one of the belts is very close to -if not riding up against- the pulley flange. I was printing at the time so couldn’t do the test you suggested, but I will later on.
Good luck! Its easiest to spot when moving slowly, watch the belt just as it comes off/on the pulley, it should be pretty much dead-straight and not jumping up and down (even a little)… Look at the top and bottom of every x/y pulley and watch it in both directions… It usually only happens in 1 direction so you must watch both!
Hi, I know this is an old post but did you solve this? Or at least find out what was causing it? I have similar problem that I believe is down to the slicing - probably something I have done, just testing a few of my suspicions now.