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Oct 2014

Thanks @james_2 and @jbainesy.

Firstly @jbainesy, this is an Ultimaker 2- I should perhaps have led with some basic background, but the points are taken about loose belts and possibly tweaking the acceleration.

Thanks @james_2, sounds like you have given me a lot to explore. A general tightening up might be in order.

I have moved the model around on the bed, I have also printed in 2 different orientations in the XY (facing the front and facing the side) I get identical results, on that evidence I am tempted to say that it may be more down to slicing and acceleration than loose belts, unless they are identically loose or worn in both directions, which is entirely possible of course.

On the flip side though, I have slowed it down considerably and seen little or no change which might lead one to think acceleration is not the issue.

I will use your text below to just do a general hardware healthcheck and if that doesn’t help I will experiment further with acceleration and slicing with S3D; I will feedback with any findings.

Thanks again!


Thanks anyway for the reply Guy, and thanks Filemon for flagging this for me.

When I figure it out I will post the solution.



OK, I have tried lowering the extrusion rate which was suggested on the UM forum but that didn’t resolve the issue.

I also did a hardware health-check, belts and bolts all tightened up, still no change.

What did help a little is setting the model up at a 15 deg angle in the XY instead of being parallel with either the front or the side as I had before.

I am just letting the current print finish as it’s better than before, but I want to experiment more with alternative slicers.

Hi All,

thanks for the responses, for the record, here are the 2 results for comparison. The only difference being the angle of the model on the bed, and I also printed a few degrees cooler as I realised I was possibly printing at the upper end of the range and thought it might help with the stringing across the gaps.

I still want to try alternative James’ suggestion of alternative slicers and will report back when I do.

sorry , to clarify, I printed at 15 deg from the front plane rather that parallel to the front or side.

Another cause can be the belts “riding” over the pulley flanges…

Try running a simple box large enough to test the axes for 100mm length or so - watch EACH of the pulleys a few times back and forth. If the pulleys are not aligned from one end to the other the belt can ride up on the flange and with a toothed belt this means it will ride > slip > ride > slip every tooth creating lines similar to those you have there…

NOT likely to be the vibration I first suggested on an ultimaker 2, especially not at those slower speeds.

Lower the speed, 20-25.

Add a fan in front of your printer.

This may help you

Thanks jbainesy, that’s definitely something worth looking at. I glanced at it this morning and one of the belts is very close to -if not riding up against- the pulley flange. I was printing at the time so couldn’t do the test you suggested, but I will later on.



Good luck! Its easiest to spot when moving slowly, watch the belt just as it comes off/on the pulley, it should be pretty much dead-straight and not jumping up and down (even a little)… Look at the top and bottom of every x/y pulley and watch it in both directions… It usually only happens in 1 direction so you must watch both!

1 year later

Hi, I know this is an old post but did you solve this? Or at least find out what was causing it? I have similar problem that I believe is down to the slicing - probably something I have done, just testing a few of my suspicions now.