Hey guys,
I had trouble with the two fans on my hot end before, i taught the motors in them burnt out, so I got replacement fans. They arrived today and I installed them but it turns out the new ones wont work either.
Does anyone know what could be the problem?
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Are the well/correctly connected.
Aren’t the wires broken?
Look at where the fans connect to the wires and more importantly, where the wires connect to the circuit board. Does that connection seem loose? If you stick a voltmeter to it, does it show any readings? If it doesn’t, try re installing your filmware, other than that, a bad board would be likely.
The wire connections seem fine and I thoroughly inspected them after installation… It could possibly be the circuit board… I hope not… how can I test the connection point where the fans go into the board?
Everything looks ok with the wires after inspection… they are brand new and connections seem fine.
If you have a multimeter or voltmeter, select the DC Volt setting (labeled as Vdc or VDC or DC) and touch one lead to one pin on the circuit board.
April 5, 2016, 7:47am
Activate manually the FAN in the Repetier software (manual control window).
Then plug a Voltmeter at the FAN output of the circuit board (at hotend level).
Do you measure a voltage?
Try the same measure at the FAN output of the mainboard.
If you d’ont have any voltage, your circuit board or your mainboard should be defective.
your issue can be due to a wire problem between the mother board and the controller for the fan.
It can also be a problem of the mother board itself. Check if nothing burn on the mother board.
hey thomas,
can i activate the fan manually from the printer as i dont have the connection to my laptop…
When im using the voltmeter i plug it into where the fans connect or where the cable loom connects to the hot end board?
I checked the top board. Where the fans are connected, there is 10.51 v going through… so there is power but is there enough… or is the problem the fans…
April 5, 2016, 1:06pm
10.51V, the fan should spin, could you try with another fan?
You can’t activate manually the fan from the printer menu but you can activate the head pre-heat, the fan cooling should start.
If you have a power supply you can test your fan, supply it with 5VDC (continuous) and check if it works.
If you pre-heat it start the fans.
Plug your voltmeter on the screw over the black and white wires.
Fans work perfectly, checked with a 9v battery