Another problem with my Vertex K8400 (Can you IMAGINE!?)

My printer has been on and off “broken” for months now, but I thought that I finally fixed it, but of course another problem arose.

Whenever I start the printer, and select auto home, it travels slightly to the left (x-axis) for each time I select auto home.
Then this position is the new “start position”. If I manually select to move the x-axis, it interprets this as the start position.
All this also applies to when I begin a print. So the starting position is shifted to the left every time.

Anyone ever encounter something like this?


Sounds like one of the belts or more likely the pulley is slipping. There’s upgraded pulley with 2 grub screws available, much less likely to come loose!

Check, if Repetier got the default K8400 printer settings for dimensions, directions, etc…
In Printer settings, look for parking position. My setting is: X:200, Y:200, Z:0
Inverse Direction is set only for Z axis.
For Printer Shape, i got these settings (see attachment)
‘Bed left’ could be different - i got printed my own dual extruder holder for using 2 e3D’s.
Hope, this helps…

Clean your optical sensors.