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Mar 2017

Hi Everyone,

I recently bought a CTC Bizer from eBay and it’s our 4th CTC. I guess CTC has changed their default firmware from the MakerBot versions that shipped on previous units to their own custom 7.4 version (pulls up with a CTC Bizer heading on the LCD and has a few different options).

When I try to upgrade the firmware to Sailfish 7.7 I get some issues. First, MakerBot Desktop doesn’t recognize the printer to get it up to 7.5 and Replicator doesn’t act normal with it is as well.

Does anyone have any suggestions for these new versions of the CTC? Maybe a complete flash of the board (if anyone knows instructions). Thanks!

  • created

    Mar '17
  • last reply

    Jun '19
  • 5


  • 10.8k


  • 5



I have just upgraded mine to Salfish. I first took the firmware up to 7.5 and then took it to Salfish 7.6 and then 7.7. You need to follow a mix of the original documentation: http://www.sailfishfirmware.com/doc/install.html 465 and I also used this video: - YouTube

You need to make a note of section: 6.3.1 on the documentation to make a note of the original home offsets as you need to put these back in again after upgrading. I didn’t and now my prints are not in the center.

Hope this is of some help.

I heard that printers shipped with 7.4 firmware like mine cannot be updated; can anyone prove the contrary? (Your printer had 7.4 and you managed to update it)

2 years later

Go to this link and follow the instructions
http://www.sailfishfirmware.com/doc/install.html#x32-840006 118

To Download ReplicatorG goto Sailfish Firmware by jetty - Thingiverse 86 and click Download All FIles

Follow the instructions on Running Maker Desktop to get your X and Y Home Positions as well as the Dual Extruder OffSet

Unzip replicatorg-0040r34-Sailfish and run ReplicatorG.exe

Let it Update - You’ll see it install config files in the black console window at the bottom.

When it comes time to upload the firmware choose “MakerBot Replicator 1 with ATmega 2560”

Choose Sailfish 7.7 - click next

Choose your correct com port - click next

Press the Motherboard Reset button on the back of the CTC printer near the USB port.

Immediately press the Upload botton in ReplicatorG

Green Lights will flash and it will let you know if it’s successful when complete

Redo the process but upload “MakerBot Replicator 2X with Atmega 2560” first then redo the process overwriting with with “MakerBot Replicator 1 with ATmega 2560” on the second upload.

Now you have Sailfish 7.7 on your CTC Bizer

P.S. Finish up the instructions by making sure you reset the printer back to factory to get your X Y values and dual extruder offset.

The reset will 99% of the time take care of it for you but you may have to key those values back in.