I am under the legal working age and was wondering if using my 3d printer would be a good way to help out the community while possibly generating some income. Would it be possible for me to start a hub/ how would I get through the taxes and invoicing?
I am afraid it is not possible to start up a Hub under the legal working age. Our Terms of Service, more specifically section 4, is quite clear on this.
- 4.1. The Services offered by 3D Hubs are available only to individuals who are 18 years or older who can form legally binding contracts under applicable law and who have registered as a User on the Website by creating a 3D Hubs account
However you can follow Ebam’s advice, and get assistance from a parent or guardian to create and run a Hub on our platform!
Hope that has informed you enough, if you have any further questions please don’t hesitate to ask.