Hi all. I few days ago i moved my printer to a new place so I had to disarm it and reassemble it again. Then when I test It I found the following problems As you can see I have i little bit of oozing problems but the worst one os the under extrussion when the printer has to do more retractions. I changed the nozzle and I still have the same issues. I hace tried todo change retraction setting but I have more ozzing if I decrese the distance and if I incresea it I hace more under extrussion. The extruder is not making any sound as when the temperature is to highlights and It is needed yo calibrate the driver so this is not the problem I am ussing cura. 190 C 6 mm distance retraction 20 mm/s speed retraction 35mm/s speed Travel speed 200 m/s Any help? Thanks all