I think you should be able to get much better print results than this, probably a matter of getting the right settings. Maybe the Best Printing Practices 1 can be of help. Or otherwise @Jan-Willem_1 can help out?
After checking the file it seems like there’s wall as thin as 0.1 mm which most likely the slicer won’t pick up. If these are important you’ll need to scale up a minimum of 4x if your nozzle is 0.4mm.
There’s also 90degree overhangs which the printer can’t handle without support material.
Unless otherwise specified I don’t see the need for a raft.
I know the result could be much better but I really think the STL file could not be rendered correctly so I did not try many settings. I wanted a feedback from other printers.
I know the raft is not necessary… let’s forget the raft.
I printed using black PLA at 220°C and 230°C with no better result. I won’t be able to scale the STL because the order is like that. It seems that the ordered part would be a 1:1 proto.