I just put the 2.2 kg spools outside the printer :slight_smile:

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I would go with the UM3, as it has specially developed printheads and print cores, which are optimised for printed dual materials.

hope this helps a little


I have both of them, the sigma is a nice printer, it needs more fine tuning, and is noisier. The build volume is nice. Dual printing works good.

The UM3 is also very good, works nicely out of the box, is quiet and has some nice features like wifi and camera. Print quality is awesome

If price isn’t a problem i would choose the UM3

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Browse 3d print photos of “Picaso Designer Pro”. Much better is the other 2 printer for which you ask.

sample pictures:



Thank you so much for all the replies. Some mentioned the print size, which I agree to be important. I was more into BCN3D which has a bigger build volume, but later I learned that Um3 has an extended version which has additional 10cm in build height up to 30cm, very attractive, although its width and length remains the same (< BCN3D). I would like to know if build height is as important as length and width or not (Yes = Um win, No = BCN3D win)?

Also what is the performance difference between the Um heads and the separate heads of BCN3D, maybe in printing speed or product quality ?

For my situation I care more about the product itself, the price or working noise level is not as important.

Wow impressive!! Found some info said its extruder mechanic design is revolutionary. Is it not easy to buy it outside Russia? Also this machine was out in 2014, is there a newer version recently?

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Hi Charlotte, Since you have both the sigma and a UMO; how would you compare the noise levels? I now have a UMO with heated bed and thinking of buying a sigma or an UM3. I am looking for a bigger print bed than I have right now, so than the sigma has a big plus, but I also print a lot at night, when I am sleeping and than the noise level could also be a differentiator, because the printer is in the room next to my bedroom.

PVA performs well because of the Ultimaker PVA that is compatible with the Sigma. I have been printing with it in the Sigma and has no comparison with other PVA that I have used before.

My choice is the Sigma. Cheaper, better construction and more versatile.

One thing you have to consider is what materials you want to print. The Sigma can print flexible and will be soon able to print also abrasive materials.

Moreover I think that will be quiter in a few days…


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Sigma makes more noise. I measured around 60db with my smartphone. Ultimakers are around 50db.

Its not like the difference is really big but it can be a bit annoying

Thanks. I have tried Ultimaker PVA, Formfutura Atlas support and esun PVA. What is better with the Ultimaker PVA ?

The Sigma is more noisy. Probably same mistake as Ultimaker once made: no isolation between the housing and the extruder motor (which is in my opinion the most noisy).

I know there is new fans on the latests Sigma, do you have the last one ?

To be honest, I don’t know… But the sound of the fans isn’t bothering me. It’s the resonance of the motors


Maybe than I should wait a little for the new sigma to come out. If I understood it correctly it will be soon.

Hopefully it is less noisy and not much more expensive than the sigma is now.

No, only the fan is new ;).

Today BCN3D has announced the new BCN3D Sigma R17, maybe you should have a look at it:

We bought a Sigma.

And we cant get it to print pla.

Constant problems.

For us i’ts a huge disappointment

I have the BCN3D Sigma R17, it is a fantastic printer. Not every print on the Sigma is perfect, but this is the same for all 3D printers. I also have tested the UM3 in a Fablab. The Ultimaker 3 was also good, but in my view the Sigma is the better choice.

I’ve just bought a UM3 and it’s being delivered next week. My choice was based upon various reviews claiming that its print quality was very high. I would agree though that it is an expensive printer and it doesn’t follow that a higher price means higher quality. I watched a lot of videos on YouTube and it seems straightforward to use. I have a CEL Robox single filament 3D printer. When it prints, the quality is good, but it has intermittent problems with my use. Then again other Robox users don’t have problems, and some have problems I don’t have. So it’s a bit of minefield deciding upon the best 3D printer to buy.

My decision to buy a new 3D printer was for the dual filament feature which is becoming more common. I could have upgraded to the CEL Robox dual filament model, but if that had the same intermittent problems, then I’d have wasted all my money. I obtained a free sample of a model printed on a UM3 and asked for the support to be left in situ. This was a soluble support which simply dissolved in water without any assistance - quite brilliant - and the finished model was very smooth.

I wouldn’t say that price was not a consideration for me but it so happened that money became available so I had no restrictions. Technical support is very important to me and I had a long question and answer email session with the seller I’m buying from. Their response not only indicated how they would respond after I bought the UM3 but also checked out their knowledge of what they were selling.