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21 / 31
Jul 2016

Hi Jaime_1,

Thanks for your answer, I’ll take a look at the ultimaker forum immediately and, if I can’t find anything I’ll make a similar post there. I look forward to seeing the picture of your tool, so I’ll try to repeat the procedure with my Ultimaker.

Hey Idamartha,

I don’t have a thermometer in the lab so, honestly, I can’t be completely sure that the temperature is exactly correct. But both PLA and ABS are melting at the right temperature, so I can suppose that the thermistor is fine

I’ve had similar problems where the thermistor said it was 30 degrees warmer than it actually was. I verified this with an infrared heat sensor. New thermistor solved my problem, probably was a faulty cable.

Ok, I’ll try to buy one during the weekend. In any case, it’s a good tool to have in the lab

I don’t have experience with UM2, but it makes sense to remove the hot end to reach the isolator coupler. I have UM1 which should be about the same.

After you do all the easy checks…like making sure there are no stringy bits binding the filament in the bowden tube, and after checking and maybe cleaning the extruder gear, and trying a different nozzle…I would think that it is likely to be the teflon coupler that needs replacing. They are a consumable item and I have been through a couple.

Try to put a litlle bit of WD-40 inside the bowden tube, it as solved my extrusion problem with the Ultimaker 2GO.



infrared thermometers will not give you an accurate reading. you need a thermistor to check temps.

Thanks for your suggestion, I’m quite sure that the Teflon coupler is the problem: I checked everything else and my idea it’s confirmed also by the position of the issue highlighted by the Atomic Test.