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15 / 31
Jul 2016

I’ve had similar problems where the thermistor said it was 30 degrees warmer than it actually was. I verified this with an infrared heat sensor. New thermistor solved my problem, probably was a faulty cable.

Ok, I’ll try to buy one during the weekend. In any case, it’s a good tool to have in the lab

I don’t have experience with UM2, but it makes sense to remove the hot end to reach the isolator coupler. I have UM1 which should be about the same.

I suppose the other possibility is that your filament tangled… I always forget to check for that first.

by the way, glad the pinecone lamp came out nicely. Sorry for never getting back to you about our g-code analyzer. Unfortunately it only supports rep-rap g-code and does not yet support ulti-gcode.

No problem at all, I’m quite sure that the problem wasn’t the Gcode. I’ll try to order a new Teflon part: honestly, I believe that it is the problem.

I had a similar problem and it turned out to be the extruder. The gears inside the new feeder had begun to push each other apart sideways, down the shafts. As a result, the gear on the stepper motor had moved down the shaft toward the motor, resulting in a loss of movement to the filament. At first I thought it was grinding the filament, but there were no marks - it simply stopped turning the gear.

To fix it, I have applied glue to the shaft of the stepper motor and reattached the gear, in the same position down the shaft as in the upgrade video. As a precaution, I have also glued the bigger gear onto its shaft end.

Hi Jockspice,

Thanks for your suggestion: I have already checked the extruder and, apparently, it’s working in a correct way.